Renovating the conference series CSEPC (Cognitive Systems Engineering in Process Control) which had started in 1996 in Kyoto, Japan and continued until 2011 by cooperating to the Joint International Conference ICI2011, Taejon, Korea, the first International Symposium on Socially and Technically Symbiotic System (STSS2012) will be held during August 29-31, 2012 at Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. The STSS2012 is organized to provide an international forum for the researchers, engineers and industrial practitioners from all over the world who are contributing to the advancement of socially and technically symbiotic systems for sustainable development of human society. The categories of the conference are as follows:
- Category 1:
Social factors, human factors, socio-technical systems, risk engineering, risk communication, - Category 2:
Human interfaces including the new concepts such as affective interfaces, semiotics, and the new methodologies in virtual reality, augmented reality, sensing, signal processing, support systems for plant operation and maintenance, skill inheritance, etc., - Category 3:
Symbiotic energy systems including new energy production systems, smart grid, concepts for energy saving, etc. - Category 4:
Information and robot systems for rescue activities.
Final conference program is uploaded.
Travel guide to conference venue is uploaded.
Final conference program is uploaded.
Travel guide to conference venue is uploaded.
Semi-final program is uploaded.
Semi-final program is uploaded.
Minor revisions are made in Program.
Minor revisions are made in Program.
Tentative Conference Program is now uploaded.
Tentative Conference Program is now uploaded.
Registration page is now available.
Registration page is now available.
Some Information are updated.
Some Information are updated.
Information for Registration is updated.
Timetable of Invited Talks at August 31 is modified.
Some Important Date are updated.
Timetable of Invited Talks at August 31 is modified.
Some Important Date are updated.
Invited Talks are updated.
Invited Talks are updated.
Prof. Paul Chung is added, and the timetable is modified.
Template of Full manuscript and Template of one page abstract are updated
Templates are available from "Full Paper Submission" page
Deadline of full paper submission is extended
Deadline of Deadline of full paper submission is extended to May 31, 2012
Deadline of abstract submission is extended
Deadline of abstract submission is extended to March 20, 2012
Submission of Paper Proposals
The official language of the symposium is English. All submission should be based on original works. Before the deadline of abstract submission, the authors should submit an abstract up to 500 words.
The template of abstract and full paper can be downloaded from the symposium website, where submission details are also described.
The abstract should be submitted by E-mail to the address of symposium office ( untilFebruary 29, 2012 March 20, 2012.
The template of abstract and full paper can be downloaded from the symposium website, where submission details are also described.
The abstract should be submitted by E-mail to the address of symposium office ( until
Call for papers (PDF,1.07MB) →